Wednesday, July 05, 2006

What Christian Scholars have written about goals for CE (cont'd again)

(continued from 3 July entry)

Christian Education Journal has an issue where you can find three articles on the necessity of "Critical Thinking" as a goal of CE. The article titles and their abstract appear in the snapshot I took of the webpage featuring Vol 15, Issue 1, Fall 1994.

I enjoyed reading Stephen Snyder's article "More Than Content" where it introduces categories which cognitive psychologists use for describing the different types of knowledge. There is content knowledge, there is procedural knowledge, there is metacognition, ie thinking about thinking.

I think in this day and age where the reach of globalization and the endemicity of pluralism are irrevocable realities we have to live with, naming critical thinking/ability to think about thinking as a goal of Christian education is crucial...or is it?

To be continued....